As 2020 is now ending, we all start thinking about our winter holidays and what comes first to mind is of course, to have some great ski holidays. But how could we really enjoy skiing with the current travel restrictions everywhere and the fear of having our plans ruined if a new quarantine is imposed or if there is a spike in Covid where we are staying. Fortunately, we have the solution and we’ve made it covid-proof.

When thinking about a ski vacation we usually think first about the feeling of cruising down the mountain with a spray of powder behind us and a panorama of breathtaking scenery ahead and then… many of us think about all the downsides that can so easily truly spoil all the fun. For example the ill fitting ski boots that caused you misery during a previous experience, or the constant challenge of carrying your skis and poles while wearing your ski boots. That is if you are not annoyed like us by the long queues at the ski lift or worst, having one of your ski poles fall down from a chairlift or something else - yes there are so many things that can fall and there is someone in our team that really knows how it feels. If you think this is unlikely then next time you’re riding up a chairlift, just look down and you’ll see how many dropped ski poles there are. And now, in the era of Covid, how can we not think about crowded places, people having to wear face masks and the worries of covid-related restrictions coming into force at any time or even wondering if the whole trip won’t be simply canceled because the ski station you chose is forced to close.

Rest assured, our team of dream-makers have found a way for you to have an amazing ski adventure without any of those worries. No more ill fitted ski boots or waiting in line or even crowded places. A way to transform your normal ski vacation into the most extraordinary and magical ski adventure in the world. And what’s even better, a way for you to forget any covid-related complication and replace all that with an overwhelming feeling of wonder and freedom.
So now picture yourself alone in the most beautiful and remotes mountains in the Alps, or in Alaska or countless other magnificent locations scattered across the world. Imagine yourself surrounded by those majestic landscapes with the most beautiful and perfect snow you’ve ever see, and all that, just for you.
It is called Heliski and all the team at Ariodante has spent months handpicking the best professionals, several Olympic and World Ski Champions and chasing the most luxurious and exclusive properties in many ski regions so we can create for you the most luxurious ski adventure. An adventure of a lifetime to explore these snowy regions and ski where no one goes.

From the sumptuous and magical scenery of the European Alps, to the remote breathtaking mountains of Alaska or the trill of an active volcano in Russia, or many other incredible locations across all five continents, you can now have an ultra-luxury private heliski experience to ski alongside Ski World Champions and Olympic Champions in those incredible locations while enjoying the utmost luxury you deserve and all that, despite the current covid-travel restrictions.

In the Alps for example, we will be closing one of the most luxurious chalets in the French Alps or Switzerland from where you will be able to depart each morning in a private helicopter that will simply land in your own garden to pick you up when you want. Or perhaps you will prefer the idea of something even more special, more unique and in that case we will charter a sumptuous 58 meters long superyacht with its own helipad in the French Riviera.

Yes, this is perfectly possible for us and each morning you could wake up surrounded by the beautiful landscapes of the Riviera and then fly to remote locations in the Italian, Swiss or Austrian Alps to heliski and then, go back to your superyacht that will be waiting for you in a different location. That way you will be able to combine two incredible vacations in one: a wonderful private and luxurious heli-skiing adventure with a cultural and relaxing cruise in the French and Italian Riviera, from Genova, Monaco, Nice and Cannes. A cruise away from the crowds where you could explore for example the incredible baroque heritage of this region with private visits to museums, churches and other treasures of baroque art.

You might be wondering what exactly is heli-skiing and if this is something for you.
There is of course the easy explanation of what it is: It’s accessing remote backcountry locations by helicopter and after your descent, use that same helicopter to go back to the top and start all over again.
In our case, we go way beyond this and use helicopters to reach several of the most incredible and remote locations so each descent will be entirely unique. And as safety comes first, our team will have scouted every single location prior to your arrival ensuring there is no risk of avalanches or anything else.

Now, the longer and more accurate answer is that heliski is truly a once in a lifetime adventure. One you will want to experience as often as possible once you have tried it. One that will appeal to the adventurer in you.
Indeed, there is really nothing like landing on the top of the mountain for the first time and experience the splendour and majesty of the scenery in front of your eyes. You are in the middle of nature, surrounded by the beauty of the mountains untouched by men. Everywhere, there is only snow so uniformly smooth that your eyes won’t even find a single irregularity to pinpoint. It is a feeling of utter amazement and pure joy. And then, you push on your ski poles to start descending with the extraordinary feeling you aren’t really skiing but merely floating down a sea of immaculate white powder.
One of the outstanding professionals we’ve gather for this heliski adventure is a former member of the French National Ski team, an a passionate skier that not only took part in many ski world cups since he was 20 but who is also a lover of mountains and wild unscathed spaces. When speaking with Eric Lacas about his first memories of heli-skiing he recalls a trip with his father when he was only 6 where they went to Tignes in France near the Italian border. That days he says: “There was snow everywhere, lots of snow for the child I was back then but it felt perfect and incredibly light. That day I discovered the indescribable feeling of really skiing, or should I rather say, of diving or flying in the snow. It was simply extraordinary! A feeling one can never forget and that stills drives me today. A feeling that made me want to for ever explore new untouched places all over the world to feel that exhilarating sensation of freedom”.

We know for sure Eric never forgot his first experience as he is now an incredible adventurer that travels the world heli-skiing in some of the most remote and amazing places on earth. His passion have taken him to the 5 continents in search of wild skiing locations such as Kamchatka or the Himalayas. “In places like that - he says - everything is different. Everything is bigger and more majestic. The first time I landed with an helicopter facing the Machachupare Fishtail Peak in Nepal, a perfect pyramidal shaped mountain considered by Nepalese (and all mountain lovers) as the “goddess of all mountains” is still one of my most vivid and exciting memories. After we landed there, we started our descend in an incredible and perfect snow above 5000 meters with the most beautiful mountain in the entire world just in front of us. It’s impossible to describe such an overwhelming sensation. It was simply beyond my craziest dreams ”
When it comes to know if you have the sufficient level for this, the answer is definitely yes!
First of all, you don’t need to be a professional skier or even James Bond to have a fantastic experience. If you already have some good experience skiing and can descend a medium level track (something like a red track) then you have the skills needed. The incredible team of professionals and ski champions we have put together will take care of the rest and chose the right locations for your level and the challenge you want to take on. This is the advantage of a fully bespoke ultra-luxury and completely private heliski adventure. And if you are a beginner, you can still heliski with us as we can easily create for you a fantastic trip to Greenland for example where we can find the ideal conditions for you to learn while also enjoying the incredibly beautiful scenery. Our team of incredible professionals will always find the perfect locations there to make it happen.

The best heli-skiing adventure wouldn’t be complete if we weren’t also able to have you forget all the Covid-related worries and most of all, ensure your vacation can really happen when you want it. As travel restrictions and change almost daily and countries are making ski resorts close (as we speak, Germany and France have decided to close their ski resorts all December and there are chances this will continue in January), we’ve come up with several solutions so we can keep you away from the crowds at all time and give you the utmost privacy during all your vacation.

This is why we work exclusively with several private jet and superyachts companies and have also secured in the Alps and other ski regions the most luxurious private properties available where we can have a Michelin started chef at your disposal instead of eating in crowded restaurants (if they can open), a masseur and/or all the services you might need.
As you can see, there are only amazing opportunities ahead and we know that once you have tried one of our entirely bespoke heliski adventures, you will never want to go back to the ski vacations you were used to have. So start packing your ski gear and swimwear so you can embark of this incredible and ultra-luxurious heliski adventure.

Request a call back with one of our dedicate Senior Travel Advisors so we can start creating you next ski vacation as soon as possible.